
DESC Careers Information, Advice and Guidance Service

Support with next steps for Year 11 School Leavers Summer 2024

Results Day 2024

For Year 11 Students who have applied for a course at UCM starting in September 2024 - details of what to do once you have received all your results can be found on the UCM website HERE

For Year 11 Students who have applied for Level 3 courses at a school sixth form the school will let you know arrangements for your next steps once you have received all your results. Year 11 Record of Experience

All Year 11 Students complete a Record of Experience to support a young person’s transition into further education, training or the world of work. Being able to give specific examples of the opportunities they have had to develop broad transferable employability skills such as Teamworking, Problem Solving, Communication, Ability to Learn, Resilience and Self Awareness is key for school leavers applying for further education or an employment role.


Further Education options are available to Year 11 School Leavers through either school sixth forms or UCM

School sixth forms are 'open' catchment meaning that providing learners meet the entry requirements for study at the school at Level 3 they can apply to any school sixth form.

IOM Secondary schools offer mainly A Level courses with some technical qualification courses such as BTECs. UCM offers some A Level courses, and a wide range of technical and vocational qualification courses at different levels linked to local employment sectors.

Guidelines for entry on to Level 3 courses in the sixth form of schools or UCM can be found here at this lnk on the DESC Signposts website.

There are also guidelines on the DESC Signposts website for entry on to Level 2, Level 1 and entry level further education courses at UCM.

These guidelines are a good starting point when you are thinking of your next steps in education post 16.

Application process for Further Education

Details of different courses offered by Island Secondary schools and UCM post 16 can be found by following the links to the schools/UCM websites.

Applications for school sixth forms should be made directly to the school.

Ballakermeen High School

Castle Rushen High School

Queen Elizabeth II High School

Ramsey Grammar School

St Ninian’s High School

Applications for all UCM full-time courses are online and are managed by a Central Admissions Team. Guidance as to how to apply for full time UCM courses is on the website here. It should be noted however that many Year 11 students will have already completed an application and offered a provisional (dependent on grades) place on a course of their choice. There may, however be places left on some courses at UCM so if you are looking to progress into Further Education from school then please get in touch with UCM through their contact page.

Information on support for students with Additional Educational Needs applying for courses at UCM, including how to access Transition Support, can be found here

Students attending UCM or school sixth form interviews are advised to bring their Record of Experience with them.


Many local employment roles advertised through the Job Centre who also have a Careers Team who can provide advice around eligibility for unemployment benefits.

The Finding Employment area on the Signposts website contains a number of resources and links that would support the exploration of employment opportunities by a school leaver including how to write a cover letter, CV, types of interview and how to prepare for them as well as the Looking for a job which is an overview of where roles may be advertised locally.


Results Days and Summer Signposts

IOM Secondary schools will be running results days as usual during Summer 2024. What this will mean is that Year 11 students will be able to access Cambridge Assessment International results via a secure individual login provided to them by their school on the 13th August prior to receiving the remainder of their results face to face in school on the 22nd August where staff will be on hand to support next steps of students.

Schools, as examination centres, will provide details of their own specific arrangements for results days Summer 2023 directly to students and their parents including details of logins.

On Level 1/2 results days and afterwards the Careers Team will be available for drop in and bookable Independent Careers Advice and Guidance Appointments. Contact details for the Careers Advisers, Andy McKinley and Helen Hillier, can be found below:


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