
DESC Careers Information, Advice and Guidance Service

Information and Support for Education Leavers Summer 2024

Exam Board results release dates to students:

Tuesday 6th August 2024

SQA Qualifications at SQCF Levels 4,5,6 (available to students via my SQA)

Tuesday 13th August 2024

CAIE IA Levels (available to students via secure login)

CAIE IGCSE (available to students via secure login)

Thursday 15th August 2024

Ofqual regulated A Levels

WJEC A Levels

Other Ofqual regulated Level 3 qualifications (BTECs)

Thursday 22nd August 2024


Ofqual regulated GCSEs

Ofqual regulated Level 1/2 qualifications (BTECs, OCR Nationals etc)


Schools will be open on:

Thursday 15th August for KS5 Leavers Level 3 (BTEC Level 3/A Level) results and support

Thursday 22nd August for KS4 Leavers Level 1 and 2 (IGCSE, GCSE and other Level 1 /2 qualifications) results and support. UCM results for students completing courses as part of the school/UCM collaboration offer should receive them from their school.

Details of specific arrangements for 15th and 22nd August will be provided by schools to their students and their parents/carers.

UCM will advise their students of the arrangements to collect results over the Summer period.

Guidance for Year 11 Leavers Summer 2024

Guidance for Year 13 Leavers Summer 2024

Guidance for Further Education Leavers Summer 2024

Guidance for Higher Education leavers Summer 2024

Drop in career advice and guidance appointments with the DESC Careers Team will also be available at UCM and Job Centre from the 15th August, along with bookable slots via schools or directly with the Careers Team.


DESC Employability and Careers Framework


The aims of this framework are:

- to support the Island’s commitment to life long learning from when children start Primary school into, and through, adulthood.

- to support schools and UCM in delivering key aspects of employability and careers education that will enable learners at different stages and ages to make informed choices about the next steps in their learning and lives.

It is based on 4 key principles:

1. Learner focused but supportive of wider systems

2. Incorporates a golden thread of unifying ‘Lifelong Learning Skills Language’

3. Grows individual’s awareness of self and opportunity

4. Supports access to an entitlement offer around Employability and Careers education for all learners

Isle of Man Learning Pathways and Careers Education Provision


Please note that the above captures Island, not individual school, provision and is subject to ongoing changes and development work across schools and UCM.

Downloadable version here:
