
DESC Careers Information, Advice and Guidance Service


Employment and Skills 2024 is a significant careers event where employers can meet with young people at key transition points in their lives as they are making choices about which subjects to study and how these fit with their future career aspirations.

On the day students will :

• use employer expertise to help them further research different sectors /job roles

• understand more about the transferable skills that employers look for

• explore what real people's career paths look like

The application form for Employment and Skills 2024 can be downloaded from here on the Department of Education, Sport and Culture's website. Menu choices for employer exhibitors requiring lunch on the day. Last date for applications be submitted is 27th August 2024.

If you require any further information about the event then please contact Frances Cowin, DESC Events Co-ordinator at

Information on different sectors of employment can be found here

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