
DESC Careers Information, Advice and Guidance Service

Guidelines for IOM Schools Key Stage 4 Record of Experience

The Record of Experience (previously known as Record of Achievement) document has huge potential in terms of supporting school leavers as they transition from compulsory education to further and higher education and/or the world of work. It can be supportive of a young person’s recognition of progress in learning through both in school opportunities and through participation in activities outside school (ie life wide learning).

School leavers applying for further education courses and either part-time or full- time work need to be able to articulate age appropriate examples of Lifelong Learning skills such as effective communication and team working as well as being able to give examples of contexts where they have developed these. These broader employability skills link clearly to the Learning Dispositions (6Rs) highlighted in the IOM Department of Education Sport and Culture curriculum statement Essentials for Learning.

The language used around Lifelong Learning skills s is often confusing for young people, parents, teachers, employers and other key stakeholders as slightly different terms are used to frame broadly the same skill. No one way is better or worse than any other in describing these skills but during the transition period from Key Stage 4 to 5 and from KS5 and beyond this plethora of different language is confusing for everybody.

As part of the development of the current Record of Experience a review was undertaken of the range of employability skills language used in schools, other educational settings and the world of work. Commonality in the skills these different words framed was identified as follows.

  • Skill: Problem Solving
  • Prompt: Think about a time when you found an answer to a new problem or issue.
  • Skill: Teamwork
  • Prompt: Think about a time when you achieved something as part of a team and the role you played.
  • Skill: Communication
  • Prompt: Think about a time when you have talked to others and managed to explain an idea or point well.
  • Skill: Resilience
  • Prompt: Think about when you have overcome a challenge or set back and have achieved something positive
  • Skill: Self awareness
  • Prompt: Think about a time when you have made a mistake, thought about it and changed your approach going forward.
  • Skill: Ability to learn
  • Prompt: Think about when you have learnt something new and how you approached it.

At the end of Year 11 each student should have a high quality CV, a tutor statement outlining attendance, punctuality etc and a personal statement/evidence portfolio developed by the student based around how they have demonstrated Lifelong Learning skills in and outside of school. They will also have copies of certificates and awards (eg Duke of Edinburgh, Music awards etc)

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Qualifications and Entry Levels Record of Experience