
DESC Careers Information, Advice and Guidance Service

Accounting, Banking and Finance


Overview of the UK Finance Sector and useful resources :

Prospects includes information on different job roles and careers in:

Accounting, Banking and Finance, Financial Planning, Insurance and Investments and Pensions.

The Worldskillsuk and icould websites provides additional information about salaries, qualifications and video case studies who work in different job roles and careers in this and other sectors.

Isle of Man specific information:

Finance Isle of Man is an Executive Agency of the Department for Enterprise, acting as a key decision making and advisory body supporting the Government’s ambition for long term economic prosperity for the sector.


The Isle of Man is a leading international centre for life insurance and wealth management. We are a politically and economically stable jurisdiction with a regulatory framework that puts customer protection first.

The Island is home to world-leading brands, providing premium investment and wealth management services to global clients across a wide range of products. Our years of experience and extensive global knowledge mean we make it easy to do business here.

The Isle of Man is an attractive jurisdiction for establishment and management of insurance structures. The sector is strongly represented by the trade body - Manx Insurance Association and is known through the international campaign Isle of Man for Life.


The Isle of Man has an environment in which banking businesses of various types can establish, prosper and sustain growth. Investment and taxation vehicles, zero tax strategy, world class telecoms, eBusiness and support services infrastructure, high quality commercial and residential accommodation and a network of business professionals with the expertise and experience of developing business on a local, national and international scale are already firmly in place.


Banks in the Isle of Man provide the following services - for more information visit the Isle of Man Bankers Association website.

  • Retail Banking
  • Commercial Banking
  • Private Banking
  • Expat Banking
  • International Banking
  • Deposits
  • Treasury Services
  • Foreign Exchange
  • Trust & Corporate Services
  • Residential Mortgages
  • Investment Property Finance
  • Commercial Finance
  • Corporate Finance


Isle of Man Financial Services Authority
Isle of Man Bankers Association

The Department for Enterprise Finance Agency has information on its website about employment in this sector on the Island.

Isle of Man Employers who support Employment and Skills Events:

Financial Services Authority

ICSA: The Governance Institute

IOM Society of Chartered Accountants

Alliance of Isle of Man Compliance Professionals



NedBank private wealth

ATLA Group

Utmost International IOM

Canada Life International

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Employment Sectors

Information about Employment Sectors In this section you will find links to information about different sectors of employment as well as job roles and careers in those areas. In some you will also find information on what kind of job roles and careers ar…

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